Clone/Replica Phones are not allowed with Delhivery courier service.
1. If you wish to cancel to your order, kindly contact us on the same day of collection date (before receiving shipping label) we will deduct 20% of amount as gateway transaction service tax. If your shipping order label has been generated than order cannot be cancelled and not be refunded.
2. If any shipment returned due to wrong weight entered by user, in that case we are not responsible and there no refund will be made. So user must check weight properly to add order.
3. Sender will be liable of any extra sale Tax, VAT, Entry Tax and other document as per each states govt. requires, for more check Sale Tax Forms , if shipment returns due to Tax or less of document, wont be liable for any refund or lost of package.
4. Any service that is cancelled after an attempt has been made by the courier to collect at the address, may be subject to a wasted journey charge of Rs. 100 or 25% of the order value whichever is lower will be deducted from the total refund due amount.
5. If any pickup attempt failed due to any reason than we treated that order as cancelled & is not liable to make any refund.If consignee is not requested to for pickup re-attempt with in 24 hours of first attempt failed. ALL AWB/LABEL will expired after 5 days of generation if pickup not done, in this case no Refund will be made at any circumstances.
6. All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to and received by us within 5 days from the date the service was purchased. Refunds can take up to 7 - 10 working days to be processed and you will be notified through email once the the amount is transferred. All refunds will be returned via the original method of payment unless stated in your refund request that you would prefer the funds to be added to your account funds.
7. We shall not, in any circumstances, be liable to you for any refunds where our Terms and Conditions have not been fully complied with including any items sent on the Prohibited list.
8. We will not be held responsible for wrong information that is entered on a booking. We shall not be liable for any costs or losses that you may suffer that arising directly or indirectly from our failure or delay to perform any of our obligations due to this.
9. We shall not in any circumstances be liable for any late delivery or missed delivery or failure to deliver caused by or contributed to by any deficient or ambiguous labelling of a Consignment and you agree to be responsible for ensuring that such labelling is clear and unambiguous.
10.Please update within 3 working days to us to get any refund by email at If any parcel Lost or broken. Otherwise you we are not responsible any circumstances. Ayurvedic medicine, Oil, Liquid Products and Fragile items are not cover under any insurance. There no lost claim will be provided in any circumstances.